Traditional Braces In South Florida

A Proven Journey to a Perfect Smile

At Vista Orthodontics, with locations in Coconut Creek, Estero, Naples, Pompano Beach, Royal Palm Beach, and West Palm Beach, we specialize in transforming smiles with traditional metal braces. Renowned for their effectiveness and durability, metal braces have been the cornerstone of orthodontics for decades. Today’s braces are sleeker, more comfortable, and more attractive, making them a popular choice for patients of all ages seeking a straighter smile.

How Braces Work

Traditional metal braces consist of three main components:


Attached to each tooth, brackets act as “anchors” for the braces.


This thin metal wire connects the brackets and applies the necessary pressure to guide teeth into their correct positions.

Ligature Elastics

Often referred to as "rubber bands," these elastics secure the archwire to the brackets and can be customized with a variety of colors for a personalized touch.

By applying continuous pressure over time, braces gradually move teeth into their ideal alignment. Adjustments are made periodically during your visits, tightening the archwire to steer your teeth and jaw gradually into place.

Clear Ceramic Braces

Clear ceramic braces offer a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces, blending in with your teeth for a less noticeable appearance. Ideal for adults and teens concerned about aesthetics, they provide the same effective treatment for dental misalignments. If aesthetics during treatment are important to you, clear braces could be your ideal choice.

What to Expect During Treatment

The journey with traditional braces begins with a detailed, free consultation at Vista Orthodontics, where we assess your specific orthodontic needs. Here’s what to expect:

  • Initial Consultation: We discuss your goals, examine your teeth, and determine if traditional braces are the best treatment option for you.
  • Customized Treatment Plan: Every smile is unique. We design a personalized treatment plan that outlines the steps to achieve your ideal smile, including the estimated duration of treatment.
  • Regular Adjustments: You’ll visit us for regular check-ups and adjustments to ensure your treatment is progressing as planned. These visits are a crucial part of the journey, allowing us to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Treatment Duration

The duration of treatment with traditional braces varies depending on the individual’s needs and complexity of the case. Generally, treatment can last anywhere from 18 months to 3 years, but every patient’s journey is unique. During your free consultation, we’ll provide a more accurate timeline based on your specific situation.

Why Choose Vista Orthodontics for Traditional Braces?

Choosing Vista Orthodontics means entrusting your smile to a team committed to excellence. Our experienced orthodontists and staff use the latest techniques and materials to ensure your treatment is effective, efficient, and comfortable. We believe everyone deserves a beautiful smile, and we strive to make high-quality orthodontic care accessible and affordable for families in our Florida communities.

Start Your Journey to a
Straighter Smile

If you’re considering traditional braces, Vista Orthodontics is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Let us help you achieve the beautiful, straight smile you’ve always wanted.