Early Orthodontic Treatment

Setting the Foundation for Lifelong Smiles
At Vista Orthodontics, we understand the importance of early orthodontic evaluation and treatment. Following the guidelines of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), we recommend that children have their first orthodontic check-up no later than age 7. This early assessment allows us to identify and address potential orthodontic issues before they develop into more complex problems.

Why Early Evaluation?

Early evaluation provides a snapshot of your child’s dental development, allowing us to monitor their growth and make timely decisions about the need for treatment. While not every child will need early intervention, this proactive approach can be crucial for those who do. By age 7, children have a mix of baby and permanent teeth, enabling our orthodontists to detect subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth.

Possible Outcomes of an Early Check-Up

No immediate treatment necessary

We may simply monitor your child's development and recommend treatment if it becomes necessary.

Future treatment anticipated

We'll keep an eye on your child's growth and begin treatment at the optimal time.

Early treatment recommended

If we identify a problem that can be more effectively treated at a young age, we may recommend starting treatment while some baby teeth are still present.

Benefits of Early Treatment

Early, or interceptive, treatment allows us to:
  • Guide the growth of the jaw and facial bones to provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth.
  • Correct harmful oral habits, such as thumb-sucking and abnormal swallowing.
  • Improve the appearance and self-esteem of young patients.
  • Potentially simplify and shorten treatment time for later corrective orthodontics.
  • Reduce the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth.

Common Issues Addressed
by Early Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment can help address a wide range of common (and less common) issues:
  • Underbites and crossbites, which can affect jaw and facial development.
  • Severe crowding or spacing of teeth, impacting the emergence of permanent teeth.
  • Unfavorable growth patterns that can be more easily corrected at a younger age.
  • Oral habits that may lead to developmental problems.

Our Approach to Early Treatment

At Vista Orthodontics, early treatment can take various forms, from simple monitoring to the use of orthodontic appliances. Our goal is to ensure the best possible development for your child’s smile, utilizing treatments that are both effective and minimally invasive. Whether we recommend a fixed or removable appliance, or no appliance at all, our focus is on creating a healthy foundation for your child’s future smile.

A Partnership for Your Child's Smile

Choosing early orthodontic treatment for your child can set the stage for a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Our team at Vista Orthodontics is dedicated to working with you and your child every step of the way, providing expert care tailored to their unique needs. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for transforming smiles, we’re here to guide your child’s journey to optimal oral health.

Begin Your Child's Journey
to a Stunning Smile

If you’re considering early orthodontic treatment for your child, Vista Orthodontics is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support your child’s smile, now and in the future. Together, we can lay the groundwork for a lifetime of beautiful smiles.
Every orthodontics journey at Vista Orthodontics begins with a free, no-obligation consultation.